Your Guide to Grass Types in America

            A FREE Report from

From: Richard Rossbauer

Greetings, Lawn Care provider.

If you want to have a lush, green lawn (and who doesn’t?) you need to choose the right type of grass for your area.

You will not succeed with your lawn if you simply decide to buy the least expensive grass seed or even if you purchase the most expensive type of grass. You must select a grass type that is right for the area of America in which you live.

Generally, warm season varieties of grass grow better in the southern areas of the country, while cool season grasses do better in the northern areas. Areas that are in the center of the country can often grow either type of grass or a blend of warm and cool grasses.

Here are the warm season varieties of grass that grow well in America:

Bahiagrass: This type of grass grows in very hot sun where other types of warm season grasses may not grow well. It is also a good choice for people who do not have access to steady watering because bahiagrass does not need much water other than rainfall. It does need a good fertilizer though.

Bermuda: This grass needs full sun. Shade of any amount will cause it to grow in thin. Bermuda grass can survive long droughts, and it should only be watered if a dry spell has lasted longer than two weeks. Fertilizer brings out the best in this grass, causing it to become weed-resistant.

Centipede: Although Centipede grass can grow in dappled shade, it does best in sun. This grass does better at resisting pests and other issues if it is watered during dry spells, even though it can survive an occasional drought.

This type of grass does not need much fertilization; over fertilizing it will weaken it.

St. Augustine: This grass does well in partial shade or even heavy shade, though it can grow in full sun. It needs to be watered when droughts last longer than one week. When fertilized, St. Augustine resists weeds.

Zoysia: This type of grass does well in full sun. Though it can survive periodic droughts, it needs watering after dry spells lasting one week. With fertilizer, this grass variety becomes weed-resistant.

Here are the cool season varieties of grass that grow well in America:

Bentgrass: This grass needs full sun to grow well, and it needs to be watered at least once per week during dry spells. This is a good choice for putting practice, as it knits tightly after being fertilized.

Bluegrass: This type of grass needs sun, good soil, and moisture to succeed. At least a half day of full sun is necessary as well.

Perennial Ryegrass: Plenty of sun is needed for this type of grass. It also needs water  when a drought lasts longer than a week. Fertilizer helps perennial ryegrass grow in areas that are frequently used for work or play.

Fine Fescue: Partial shade helps this grass to grow well, but hot temperatures can weaken it. Extra water is necessary when heat waves last longer than one week.

Tall Fescue: This type of grass does well in partial shade or sun. When fertilized, tall fescue becomes dramatically green. This grass becomes semi-dormant when the weather is hot and dry.

So, if you want that lush green lawn, make sure you choose the right type of grass for your region (and there is no charge for this free report - which you are welcome to share with your neighbors and friends).  

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     Did you know? - Most lawn damage is caused by mowing improperly. Lawn mower blades must always be sharp in order for them to achieve clean cuts. The grass should also be cut taller than what is recommended for specific grasses. The average is three inches. Nonetheless, don't let it grow taller when cutting in between. When grass is too tall, it damages the blades and also weakens the roots. This results in the clumps of clippings on the lawn. This isn't a pretty sight.

   Want more tips like that one? How about - The minute you see grubs, cutworms, fleas and other lawn pests in your garden, you should revert to insect control as soon as possible. Apply this while the pests are still in their early stages.


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     Of course, you could hire a lawn care service if you have confidence that they'll help you understand the problems and the solutions concerning your lawn. Lawn services apply pesticides and fertilizers but often times you are the one who waters and mows.

    Use the information in “Caring for Your Lawn” to make sure your lawn service is giving you the professional care you're paying for and the results are at least equal to what you could do yourself.

   Keep in mind that a beautiful lawn starts with the right grass for your region

   Thank You,

     P.S. I'm so confident that this inexpensive ebook can bring you one of the most beautiful lawns in your neighborhood, that I'll give your money back if, within 60 days of your order, you aren't satisfied with the information and guidelines it contains.        No Questions Asked!

      P.P.S. It’s win-win for you. You get this amazing book AND you get to enjoy all the neighbors' compliments that will make it all worthwhile.

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